World Tai Chi Day Founders Stephen Watson, David Shaver, David Chandler, Laddie Sacharko. Missing from photo Sandra Diamond
Pushing by the Daffodils
Teacher Laddie leading Starfarmers
Sticky Swords with Wild Bill at the First World Tai Chi Day
Starfarmer Mary at the First World Tai Chi Day
Eagle's Quest plays Tibeten Sticks
Yummies at Chinese Buffet after the First World Tai Chi Day
Boom Box at the First World Tai Chi Day
T-shirts at The First World Tai Chi Day
Admiring the View at the First World Tai Chi Day
Welcome Table at the First World Tai Chi Day
Why We Loved Harkness for the First World Tai Chi Day
What's next at the First World Tai Chi Day
Lee-Ellen and Dick, Starfarmers at the First World Tai Chi Day
Awesome View of the Sound at the First World Tai Chi Day
Laddie and Stephe Cleaning up after the First World Tai Chi Day
Looking Serious at the First World Tai Chi Day
Great First World Tai Chi Day Banner
Welcome to the First World Tai Chi Day 1999!
Tai Chi Practice at the First World Tai Chi Day
The First World Wide Wave at the First World Tai Chi Day
Wonderful Crowd taking a break at the First World Tai Chi Day
Eagle's Quest Workshop at the First World Tai Chi Day
Mansion was the backdrop at the First World Tai Chi Day
Not Much left on the table at the First World Tai Chi Day
Learning Something New at the First World Tai Chi Day
Janet, Lee-Ellen, and Gene at the First World Tai Chi Day
Opening Remarks at the First World Tai Chi Day
Stephe, Paula and a Friend at the First World Tai Chi Day
David and Annie at the First World Tai Chi Day
Starfarmers Don and Whitney at the First World Tai Chi Day
Laddie huddles with Starfarmers at the First World Tai Chi Day
Starfarmers Pose at the First World Tai Chi Day